Summer Sundays At St. John's
St John's is a pretty diverse place. There's a lot of different people who call St John's home.
That's why we share our worship in different ways, too.
During the Summertime, we shift from our usual schedule, with two services per Sunday:
A quiet and contemplative service at 8:00 am​
A service at 10:00am which alternates each week between two styles​
Check them out below, and see what resonates with you!
You can worship along with our 10:00am services via our Youtube channel!
Three Different Ways to Worship During Summer
8:00 AM (every week)
Quiet, Traditional
Those who gather at the 8:00am service appreciate the smaller, quieter, calmer, and spacious feel of worship, drawing from the more traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer.
10:00 AM (alternating)
Lively, Informal
Every second Sunday, our 10:00 am worship takes a more contemporary and relaxed form, with music led by worship bands or solo musicians and words from the
10:00 AM (alternating)
Choral, Traditional
On alternating Sundays, our 10:00 am service expresses the beauty of our traditions, featuring congregational music led by an organist, and using the liturgies of the Book of Common Prayer.