Aboriginal Headstart Christmas Gift Bags
Thank you for participating in this year’s Christmas Gift Bags for Aboriginal Head Start (AHS) children 4-5 years old.
Below, you may select 1-3 children (by gender & age or no preference) or select a financial donation and we will arrange buyers to fill the bags.
After you click submit, you will receive a confirmation email from the office. You will later receive an email from Brenda (check your junk folder). If children are selected please fill the bags with toys, books, toques, mitts, socks, craft items, candy etc. and add a color coded gift tag to each bag with the assigned child’s information.
We realize that size does not equate to value; however, generally children don’t, so in the interest of equality we ask that all children receive the same size gift bag - size 13”X10”. Some empty Christmas gift bags will be available at the church or you can buy your own.
Please deliver the gift bags to the church during Sunday services or drop them at an Outreach member’s home. Please see the Grapevine or contact the church office (780-434-8955) for their contact information.
Thursday Dec 1. All gift bags in church
Sunday Dec 4. Bless the gift bags
Wed Dec 7. Deliver gift bags to AHS Christmas Party